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63 posts
Subscribe to YouTube Playlists
Some YouTube playlists are worth subscribing for but there is no official way to do this.
June 6, 2021
List all YouTube videos in a Playlist with Google AppScript
AppScript function to extract details of all the videos in a YouTube Playlist.
May 30, 2021
YouTube Autocomplete, Channel Feed & More Without an API Key
Did you know that every YouTube channel has an RSS feed, or that YouTube provided it's auto-complete API for free?
How to Add Chapter Markers to YouTube Progress Bar?
YouTube now support chapters in video, making it easy to navigate long videos.
Co-Watch YouTube with Friends or do any of these with Kosmi
Stay in touch with your friends in virtual rooms while being miles apart.
April 9, 2020
How To Automatically Embed The Latest Video From A YouTube Channel?
Embed the latest or second latest video from any youtube channel using javascript method or iframe method.
5 Ways to Enable Dark Mode/Black Theme in Youtube
I love dark mode in website and apps. They look super cool and are stress-free for our eyes. Unfortunately not every website has this feature, here is how you can enable dark mode in the most popular website, Youtube.
5 Easy Ways to Bypass Youtube Age Restriction
The new Call of Duty WWII trailer is age restricted and I know that is due to the intense violence. But, that's not going to stop anyone from watching the trailer.
Embed Youtube player without title, controls, branding & sound muted
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]D[/mks_dropcap]ID you ever wanted to embed a youtube video without any of those controls…