If you are looking to record some decent audio on your computer without owning a good microphone, an iPhone can be the perfect substitute. An iPhone/iPad can record really amazing audio with very less background noise. You wouldn’t believe how much of a difference this makes compared to the audio quality from a standard webcam mic. Setting up your iPhone/iPad mic with your computer is pretty easy as well and here is how you do it.
Using the iPhone microphone with a Windows PC
- iPhone
- Megaphone App (free or paid)
- Male to male 3.5mm AUX cable
- Lightning cable (works with Mac only)
Follow the steps below to start using your iPod, iPad or iPhone as a microphone for your PC.
- Download and install MegaPhone Live by Von Bruno or Megaphone: Voice Amplifier by Smudge Apps on your iPhone/iPad.
- Launch the Megaphone app on your device. Adjust the mic sensitivity by using the volume rocker buttons.
- Connect one end of the AUX cable to your iPhone and the other end to your PC’s microphone jack.
- Open sound settings on your PC and navigate to the recordings tab. Make sure that the bars move when you speak.
- If it doesn’t work, follow the troubleshooting tips below.
Using your iPad/ iPhone Microphone with a Mac
Both Macbook and iMac come with decent microphones so I can’t figure out a reason why you need to use your iPhone mic with your mac but if you are using a Mac mini then this makes sense. Unlike the above method, you won’t be needing an aux cable to interface the iPhone’s microphone to your Mac instead a lightning cable would do the job. Follow the steps below to connect your iPhone mic to your Mac.
- Download and install MegaPhone Live by Von Bruno or Megaphone: Voice Amplifier by Smudge Apps on your iPhone/iPad.
- Connect the device to your Mac using a lightning cable.
- Launch the megaphone app on your device and turn on the mic.
- Next, open the Audio MIDI Setup app on your Mac and click the enable button next to the iPhone/ iPad listed on the left pane.
- Finally, open your voice recording app and you are good to go!
- Try relaunching the app after connecting the AUX cable.
- Make sure the iPhone mic sensitivity is kept high by turning up the volume.
- Make sure it’s turned on.
- Go to Control Panel > Ease of Access > Set up as a new microphone.
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