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7 posts
000webhost – The Best Free Web Hosting Provider?
Why not make your first website with this free and awesome web hosting service?
10 Ways to speed up your Blogger blog
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]I[/mks_dropcap]T’s no wonder that we all hate waiting. We are living in a busy…
How to remove links or open links in new tab in blogger comments?
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]T[/mks_dropcap]HE number of blogs and websites are increasing day by day and every webmaster…
How to hide disqus comment section in blogger?
[sc:custom-bullet bg=”#2196F3″ hover-bg=”#18629C” ][mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]Y[/mks_dropcap]ou can hide the comment section for a particular blog post…
Top 5 Blogger Tricks
[sc:custom-bullet bg=”grey” hover-bg=”black” ][sc:Gradient-list ][mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]B[/mks_dropcap]LOGGERis a free blogging platform from Google and it’s what…
Luxury Agent- One Page Responsive Blogger Template
Blogger is a great platform to get started with websites. There are a ton of blogger templates available…