How to remove links or open links in new tab in blogger comments?

bulk open url with multiple url opener tool
[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]T[/mks_dropcap]HE number of blogs and websites are increasing day by day and every webmaster is fighting for exposure. Many of them adopt black hat SEO tricks and other cheats to gain more traffic. One of the most popular ways to gain backlink was to comment on other sites. But nowadays with advanced commenting platforms such as Disqus, spam comments are automatically identified and removed. You can even disable comment sections entirely for particular pages. Blogger spam detection has also advanced a lot.

You probably don’t want to remove all the comments that contain links nor you want your users to leave your site through that link. I have found a solution for this problem. Now with this trick you will learn how to open all the links in the comment section in a new tab, how to remove the link in the comment without removing the anchor text OR to eliminate the comment completely. Let’s get started.[sc name=”list-nonReversed” color=”#4f597b” ] [mks_toggle title=”How to add hyperlinks in blogger comments?” state=”close “]

Typing out links in blogger comments won’t make it a clickable link. To add a hyperlink in blogger comment, you have to type the HTML code. Here is how the HTML code will look like for a hyperlink.


All links added in blogger comments are nofollow by default.[/mks_toggle]

Also read : Check whether a link is dofollow or nofollow

Follow the steps given below to force all comments in blogger comments to open in a new tab.

  1. Log in to your blogger account.
  2. Go to your blog dashboard.
  3. Navigate to Template and click on Edit HTML.
  4. Hit Ctrl + F and search for </head>. Paste the following code just above it.
    <script src=''/>
  5. Click Ctrl + F and search for </body>
  6. Paste the following code above </body> tag.
      $('.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]').attr("target","_blank");
  7. Save the template and you are all done!
[mks_separator style=”solid” height=”2″]

Follow these steps if you want to remove the hyperlink only. The anchor text will not be removed.

  1. Go to the template section in your blog and hit edit HTML.
  2. Paste the following code just above </head>
    <script src=''/>
  3. Search for </body> tag (Ctrl + F).
  4. Paste the following code just above it.
    $('.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]').replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());}); 
  5. Save the template!
[mks_separator style=”solid” height=”2″]

Delete the entire comment

To do that, just click on the delete button located below the comment.

If you are having any trouble, then let us know in the comments.

Read Next : 5 blogger tricks that you must know

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