Blogger is a great platform to get started with websites. There are a ton of blogger templates available for free as well as paid. You may not know that you could utilize this free hosting provided by blogger to host regular small websites. But finding such themes can be difficult. I am excited to share with you guys a stunning, one page blogger theme, called Luxury Agent. The theme has cool features like background video support, fast loading, responsive, etc. You can download the theme below . Make sure to read the documentation to customize the theme.
Note : With this theme you won’t be able to make utilize of blogger post/ pages features.
[mks_col] [mks_one_half][mks_button size=”large” title=”Demo” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=””][/mks_one_half] [mks_one_half][mks_button size=”large” title=”Download” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=””][/mks_one_half]
1 ) Changing the title, meta tags and sharing information
Go to the template section in blogger and hit edit HTML. In the top region you will find the below code. Make modifications to the meta tags as explained within the code and replace it with the original.
<!--This is the description for your website --> <meta content='Create stunning websites with blogger' name='description'/> <!--Add the author name here --> <meta content='Codegena' name='author'/> <!--This title will appear when someone share this site on facebook or Google plus--> <meta content='WEBSITE WITH BLOGGER' property='og:title'/> <!--This image will be used as preview when someone shares it on social media --> <meta content='' property='og:image'/> <!--This description will be used when someone shares on social media --> <meta content='Create stunning websites with blogger. ' property='og:description'/>
Free pattern generator for blogger background
2) Change the background video
This is the most interesting feature of this theme. You can add any youtube video as your site background. To do that,
- Copy the video id of your desired video.
- Now open the theme editor and search for “E4tRyYxrU5w“.
- Replace it with your copied video id.
3) Setting video quality 1080p/720p
The site is set to show 1080p video by default. But if you wish, you can bring it down to 720p. To do that,
- Go to the template editor in blogger
- Search and replace “hd1080” with “hd720”
4) Fixing Redirect Loop for Custom Domains
If you are using custom domains for your blogger site, then you will need to remove the redirection script (used for redirecting country specific blogger url to .com).
To remove it
- Open the template editor and find <head> tag located at the beginning.
- Delete the following code from your template and hit save.
<script type="text/javascript"> var blog = document.location.href.toLowerCase(); if (!blog.match(/\.blogspot\.com/)) { blog = blog.replace(/\.blogspot\..*?\//, ""); window.location.replace(blog); } </script>
If you need any help related to this theme, leave a comment and I will try to help you out. Please like our facebook page and follow our twitter account.