Best Password Recovery Software for Windows 10, 8 and 7

I have already shown you several password recovery softwares to unlock RARs, zip, etc but all of these were limited to the particular file types. So should you buy those when you can get password recovery softwares that can unlock a wide variety of file types. Top-password’s Password Recovery Bundle is one such tool. This software can crack down passwords of RAR, zip, word, excel, powerpoint, PDF and a lot more file types. It can even show you the license keys of all the activated softwares!

Let’s see how to unlock the most common file types using Top-Password’s password recovery bundle. First of all, download the recovery tool from the link below.

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Password Recovery Bundle” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-external-link” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”0″]

If you have checked their product page, you may have noticed that they sell zip recovery tool, excel unlock tool, etc. You can save some dollars with those single purpose software but I would recommend getting the password recovery bundle as it offers a better value for money.

Recover Product Keys of Registered Software

  1. Launch the password recovery bundle software.
  2. Click Start Recovery and choose Product Key or Product Key Advanced (to recover keys from another hard drive).
  3. The software will instantly show you all the keys for your registered softwares.

Recover Zip, Rar, Pdf, Word Password

To recover passwords from different file types such as zip, rar, word, excel, powerpoint, pdf, etc., follow the steps given below. The procedure is same for all file types.

  1. Launch the password recovery bundle.
  2. Click Recover From File option.
  3. Choose the file type from the drop down menu.
  4. Navigate to the protected file and click open.
  5. If you are trying to open document file types such as pdf, word, etc. you will be asked whether to remove the document edit restriction or to recover the user password. Choose the Recover owner password option.
  6. In the next step,you will be asked to choose the attack type. Choose dictionary if you believe the password is an English word, mask attack if you can recall some part of the password. If you have no idea about the password choose brute force.
  7. Wait for the process to complete and congrats if the process was successful!

Reset Windows Password

If you have set your windows to automatically log in, then you can easily see the password by choosing Windows Cached Passwords option from the Start Recovery option.
However, if you forgot Windows password and can’t login to your computer, follow these steps to reset your windows 10,8,7 password. Don’t worry it’s not that hard!

You May Also Like

  1. Unlock zip file password
  2. Remove PDF password by using Google Chrome
  3. Open password protected RAR file without password
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